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Welcome to Cerebrum Smart City Solutions, in partnership with iWOW Technology

Designing Tomorrow's Smart Cities Today

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Where Creativity Meets Connectivity

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Cerebrum Smart City Solutions,

in partnership with IWOW Technology, spearheads the transformation of urban landscapes into intelligently designed, technology-driven habitats. Experience the future of urban living, where Cerebrum's design innovation meets iWOW's technological prowess.




Two Decades of Pioneering

Design and Technology

For over two decades, Cerebrum Design and iWOW Technology have forged a pioneering partnership, blending the realms of innovative design and advanced wireless technology. Since the early 2000s, our collaboration has navigated the evolving landscape of mobile and IoT technologies, creating groundbreaking solutions that combine iWOW's expertise in wireless communication with Cerebrum's flair for aesthetic and functional design. Marked by numerous industry milestones, including the deployment of extensive LoRaWAN networks and award-winning smart city projects, our journey is a testament to enduring innovation and a shared vision for shaping a technologically advanced and design-forward future.

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About Us

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Our Mission

To craft smart urban environments that epitomize aesthetic brilliance, functional design, and technological sophistication, enhancing the quality of urban life and sustainability.

Our Vision

To be the architects of future cities, seamlessly integrating Cerebrum's design excellence with iWOW's IoT innovations to create smart, sustainable, and aesthetically superior urban spaces.

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Inspiring the World of Wireless

iWOW Technology Ltd, established in 1999 and listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange in 2022, specializes in integrated IoT solutions, focusing on smart metering and sustainability. Recognized for its contribution to sustainability with the Singapore Corporate Sustainability APEX Award in 2018, iWOW operates one of Singapore's largest LoRaWAN networks, supporting over 10,000 sensor nodes daily. Their smart metering solutions are pivotal for numerous esteemed clients, highlighting iWOW's commitment to innovation and digitalization in enhancing urban living and environmental stewardship.


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Our services

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Sustainable Smart


Crafting eco-friendly and sustainable urban solutions, leveraging iWOW's award-winning smart metering technology and Cerebrum's sustainable design principles.

Tailored Smart Infrastructure:

Designing and deploying custom smart city frameworks that cater to the unique needs and aspirations of urban communities, with a focus on scalability and adaptability.

Strategic Corporate Collaborations:

Combining Cerebrum's creative vision with iWOW's technological might to deliver projects that set new industry standards in smart urban development.

Why Choose us?

we provides state-of-the-art IoT solutions for utilities and grid managers, governments and C&I clients all over the world.

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Best-in-class total system security from sensor to application server

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We adopt open standard protocols that are capable of connecting millions of devices

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Our technology has been deployed by Governments and Fortune 500 companies

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Projects & Impact

Delve into our rich portfolio of transformative projects that have set new standards in IoT implementation and smart city solutions. Witness the real-world impact of our innovative approach in various sectors, from public utilities to corporate giants.

Designed for those who prefer not to use a mobile app, the TraceTogether Token was commissioned by the Singapore government to monitor the spread of Covid-19 among the community.

The data allows employers to quickly isolate workers who has contact with a known COVID-19 co-worker avoiding any protracted shutdown of entire operations. It also allows organizations like schools and businesses to provide accurate and timely contact tracing information to the Government.

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Projects & Impact


a robust and proven end-to-end for smart water metering that is used by more than 100

major companies in singapore

we offers a comprehensive solution that uses cellular and LoraWAN connectivity. They are battery-powered to last 3-5 years (for cellular) and 7-15 years (for LoraWAN) Our modems support both pulse and modbus interfaces.

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Benefits of Our Smart Water Metering Solution


Pay only the monthly subscription cost of solution. There is no need to invest in network infrastructure with IP connectivity to every meter point over a reliable cellular network


iTegno communication modems are able to read all meters, which provides an open standard to maximise your cost efficiency


Meets challenges of the various terrains and environmental conditions using multiple communications technologies

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Our clients

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Insights & Innovations

Our Dedication to a Sustainable Tomorrow Discover how our solutions are paving the way for environmentally conscious urban development, highlighting our achievements and ongoing initiatives in sustainable practices.

Stay informed with the latest advancements, insights, and breakthroughs in IoT and smart city technologies. Our thought leadership pieces and updates showcase our dedication to innovation and excellence.

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Get in Touch

Join the Revolution

For inquiries, collaborations, or to discover how our IoT solutions can transform your urban space, visit our Contact page. Our experts are ready to bring the future of smart living to your doorstep.


Matrix TWO, Science Park 400, 1098 XH



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